Q +A with Charleston Influencer and Down Syndrome Advocate, Trista Kutcher

Trista Kutcher of @tristathebarista
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month so I thought it would be the perfect time to interview our friend, Instagram influencer and fellow dog lover, Trista Kutcher. Trista's Instagram brings us such joy and I cannot thank Southern Charm stars Cameron Wimberly and Patricia Altschul enough for introducing all of us to this special lady!

A statement on Down Syndrome Awareness Month from Chris Burke with Up with Downs: October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month, a chance to spread awareness. During the month of October, we celebrate people with Down syndrome and make people aware of our abilities and accomplishments. It’s not about celebrating disabilities, it’s about celebrating abilities. We can learn all about our history. We have a right to speak out about what it’s like to have Down syndrome and to learn the real story of people like us

Down Syndrome Awareness is a cause close to my heart as I worked with my dear friend Harry Dydo, when he was in high school, helping him with life skills.
Harry Dydo
Harry went on to Syracuse University where he was the manager of the Syracuse Basketball team. My dear friend Harry, like Trista, is showing the world just how much you can accomplish in life along with having DS so I was thrilled when Trista agreed to sit down with me to chat about her love of dogs! 
My mom and dad already had two Pomeranians when I was born. One was black and one was white . Their names were Nouget and Chip. I loved them so so much and they let me chase them and hug them. They taught me to crawl because I wanted to get close to them.
Photo of Trista Kutcher as a baby
Photo of Trista Kutcher as a baby. Photo Credit: Trista the Barista Facebook
My current pets are named Rosie Cakepop and Riley Rosie. My sister named Riley. I named Rosie Because the of the flower and my friend was helping me make cake pops one day and she said maybe that is a good Middle name for Rosie and I loved it! I also had a different dog named Daisy Duke. She was my Grammys dog and they loved each other so much but when my Grammy passed away in 2011 we brought daisy to our house. Daisy passed away last month I loved her so much ! Riley is a German shepherd retriever mix, Rosie is a beagle mix and Daisy was a long hair chihuahua. 
From Left to Right: Rosie Cakepop, Riley and Daisy Duke
My best memory is when I get to love on Rosie and hug her . She loves to eat all the time and I love to feed her treats.
Trista Kutcher at the beach with her dog Rosie Cakepop

Trista at the beach with her pup Rosie Cakepop! 

To learn more about Down Syndrome, please visit The National Down Syndrome Society here

Thank you Trista for taking the time out of your day to speak with us! We love you and your dogs!!

Follow Trista on Instagram: @tristathebarista